miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011


    Some of you have noted that our Advance Party on Christmas Island have been active from time to time this week, checking out propagation. We are delighted to see that the solar flux has been high and T32C has already worked Europe on 28MHz!
The remainder of the initial team is now assembled here in Honolulu and I write this immediately following a team meeting at which we have worked out the final details of logistics for getting to the island and setting up for what will still be a large-scale operation. We have 10 Yaesu FT-450 transceivers and eight linear amplifiers, along with the hardware to put up gain antennas for 10 through 80, and a big vertical for 160. We also plan to install Beverages for receiving. We particularly want to extend thanks to KH6OO and KH7U who have been a great help to us here on Hawaii.
We fly to Christmas Island tomorrow, and it is likely there will be no more operation until the weekend, as we get everything installed and ready to go. In any case, we will aim to post any breaking news to our website via the Captain Cook hotel’s Internet facility.


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